HotNow — Digital Marketing through a Gamified Hot Token Ecosystem

2 min readApr 14, 2020
HotNow is a Gamified Hot Token Ecosystem

What is HotNow ?

HotNow is a lifestyle-retail digital marketing app available on ios and android. HotNow allows brands and merchants to deliver exclusive in-app promotions to nearby customers using access granting Hot Tokens.

Currently active in Thailand with approximately 700,000 downloads and counting, HotNow aims to revolutionize the lifestyle retail space through a gamified token ecosystem.

A Gamified Hot Token Ecosystem

With the great impact of blockchain and related technologies in recent times, HotNow has evolved from a real-time digital marketing app into a gamified token ecosystem based on micro-transactions and an utility access Hot Tokens (based on Stellar Lumens protocol, symbol: HOTtm).

Trade in Hot Tokens on the Kucoin Exchange

For consumers, a Hot Token is an access-granting token to the best promotions and deals a business can offer. While for businesses, HOT is a means to explore the real price elasticity of their demand function. The goal of HOT is to become the dominant currency for all transactions in the HotNow network. This will be possible once the value of HOT stabilizes, in the eyes of both the consumers and businesses and consumers.

A Gamified Hot Token (HOT) Ecosystem

How is the HotNow ecosystem created?

The HotNow ecosystem was created by:

  • Emphasizing mechanics found in various “freemium” video games and similar game mechanics that help increase consumer engagement and shop conversion rates.
  • Innovating Individually-tailored loyalty programs for cash-based businesses along with tools that enable sellers to create organizations and resolve coordination hurdles like aggregating purchasing power and shared loyalty programs.
  • Deeply analyzing the spending history data of consumers to create “credit profiles” for those without actual financial history to be able to access micro-loans.

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